1. CARA stands for Coalition Against Relationship Abuse (Brown University; Providence, RI)
  2. CARA stands for Chicago Area Runners Association
  3. CARA stands for CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) Array Reference-Free Algorithm
  4. CARA stands for Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (Washington, DC)
  5. CARA stands for Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (South Africa)
  6. CARA stands for Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (London, England, UK)
  7. CARA stands for Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica
  8. CARA stands for California Alliance for Retired Americans
  9. CARA stands for Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (Canada)
  10. CARA stands for Classification and Rating Administration (movie ratings)
  11. CARA stands for Constant Absolute Risk Aversion
  12. CARA stands for California Rivers Assessment
  13. CARA stands for California Association for Research in Astronomy
  14. CARA stands for Community Accommodation and Respite Agency (Australia)
  15. CARA stands for Computer Aided Room Acoustics
  16. CARA stands for Columbia Amateur Radio Association
  17. CARA stands for Communities Against Rape & Abuse (Washington state)
  18. CARA stands for Calgary Amateur Radio Association (Canada)
  19. CARA stands for Computer Aided Resonance Assignment
  20. CARA stands for Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (Connecticut)
  21. CARA stands for Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter
  22. CARA stands for Canadian Amateur Racing Association
  23. CARA stands for Coast Amateur Rowing Association (United Kingdom)
  24. CARA stands for Chinook Applied Research Association (Canada)
  25. CARA stands for Cambodian American Resource Agency
  26. CARA stands for Code Auditing Reporting Application
  27. CARA stands for Central Arkansas Referees Association
  28. CARA stands for Computer-Assisted Resuscitation Algorithm
  29. CARA stands for Clinton Animal Rescue & Adoption (Missouri)
  30. CARA stands for Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 2001
  31. CARA stands for Center for Applied Research in Anthropology (Georgia)
  32. CARA stands for Communauté d’Agglomération de la Région Annemassienne (French: Agglomeration Community of the Annemasse Region; Annemasse, France)
  33. CARA stands for Criticality and Risk Assessment
  34. CARA stands for Central Africa Rights & AIDS Society (independent international charity; UK)
  35. CARA stands for Choose a Random Adventure (gaming)
  36. CARA stands for Cargo And Rescue Aircraft
  37. CARA stands for Coordination of Animal Rescue Agencies (UK)
  38. CARA stands for Computer-Aided Requirements Analysis
Abbreviations And Their Meaning