1. DAA stands for Department of Academic Affairs (various schools)
  2. DAA stands for Digital Advertising Alliance (marketing consortium)
  3. DAA stands for D-Aspartic Acid (amino acid)
  4. DAA stands for Dynamic Asset Allocation (investing)
  5. DAA stands for Dance Arts Academy (various locations)
  6. DAA stands for Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie (German: German Employee Academy)
  7. DAA stands for Distinguished Alumni Award (various schools)
  8. DAA
    stands for Designated Approving Authority
  9. DAA stands for Dublin Airport Authority (Ireland)
  10. DAA stands for Duke Alumni Association (Duke University; North Carolina)
  11. DAA stands for Dealers Auto Auction (various locations)
  12. DAA stands for Division Administrative Assistant (various schools)
  13. DAA stands for Direct Anterior Approach (hip replacement)
  14. DAA stands for Data Access Arrangement
  15. DAA stands for Disability Awareness in Action (UK)
  16. DAA stands for Direct Antiviral Agent (hepatitis therapy)
  17. DAA stands for District Agricultural Association (California)
  18. DAA stands for Dépendant Affectif Anonyme (French: Emotional Dependency Anonymous; Canada)
  19. DAA stands for Distributed Application Architecture
  20. DAA stands for Decatur Arts Alliance (Decatur, GA)
  21. DAA stands for Detect and Avoid (wireless networking)
  22. DAA stands for Direct Access Arrangement
  23. DAA stands for Digest Access Authentication
  24. DAA stands for Draper Aden Associates (Blacksburg, VA)
  25. DAA stands for Designated Accrediting Authority
  26. DAA stands for Dancing about Architecture
  27. DAA stands for Designated Approval Authority (less common)
  28. DAA stands for Diacetone Alcohol
  29. DAA stands for Defense Authorization Act (Public Law)
  30. DAA stands for Director of Army Accounts (UK)
  31. DAA stands for Data Analysis in Astronomy (workshop)
  32. DAA stands for Directly Associated Activity (UK)
  33. DAA stands for Doylestown Athletic Association (est. 1968)
  34. DAA stands for Dieticians Association of Australia (Deakin, ACT, Australia)
  35. DAA stands for Distinguished Achievement Award
  36. DAA stands for Deputy Assistant Administrator
  37. D/AA stands for Dextrose/Amino Acid Solution (nutrition)
  38. DAA stands for Days After Anthesis
  39. DAA stands for Decimal Adjust for Addition
  40. DAA stands for Discharge Always Afloat (shipping)
  41. DAA stands for Dead after Arrival
  42. DAA stands for Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie
  43. DAA stands for Data Authentication Algorithm
  44. DAA stands for Deputy Associate Administrator
  45. DAA stands for Digital Art Awards (Japan)
  46. DAA stands for Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  47. DAA stands for Document Availability Authorization
  48. DAA stands for Dominion Automobile Association
  49. DAA stands for Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (University of Toronto)
  50. DAA stands for Display Alternate Area Routing Lists (US DoD)
  51. DAA stands for Drug Addicts Anonymous (recovery support group)
  52. DAA stands for Device Access Architecture (Viero)
  53. DAA stands for Designated Accreditation Authority
  54. DAA stands for Distributed Active Archive
  55. DAA stands for Default Aversion Assistance (student loans)
  56. DAA stands for Drug Addiction and or Alcoholism
  57. DAA stands for Dental Anthropology Association
  58. DAA stands for Delaware Apartment Association (Newark, DE)
  59. DAA stands for Distribution Automatique d’Appels
  60. DAA stands for Data Access Agent
  61. DAA stands for Design Automation Assistant
  62. DAA stands for Data Acquisition Assembly
  63. DAA stands for Designated Auditing Agency (New Zealand)
  64. DAA stands for Dine Across America
  65. DAA stands for Droplet Aerosol Analyser
  66. DAA stands for Digital/Analog/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering)
  67. DAA stands for Data Asset Analysis
  68. DAA stands for Data Accountability
  69. DAA stands for Depot Access Agreement (UK railways)
  70. DAA stands for Downing Aviation Associates
  71. DAA stands for Dual-Antenna Array
  72. DAA stands for Dental Assistants’ Association of Australia Inc.
  73. DAA stands for Defense Auditing Agency
  74. DAA stands for Direct Attack Aircraft
  75. DAA stands for Doppler Air Alignment
  76. DAA stands for Decision Aid Application
  77. DAA stands for Diploma in Archive Administration
  78. DAA stands for Definitive Alliance Agreement
  79. D/AA stands for Departure/Arrival Airfield
  80. DAA stands for Diaspora and Art
Abbreviations And Their Meaning