1. DF stands for Distrito Federal (Spanish: Federal District)
  2. DF stands for Data Frame
  3. DF stands for Dairy Free
  4. DF stands for Disk Free
  5. DF stands for Distrito Federal (Brazil)
  6. D/F stands for Dust Free
  7. DF stands for Delta Force (Novalogic military combat game)
  8. DF stands for Drug Free
  9. DF stands for Dwarf Fortress (video game)
  10. DF stands for Dansk Folkeparti
  11. DF stands for Direction Finder
  12. DF stands for Degree of Freedom
  13. D/F stands for Direction Finder
  14. DF stands for La Documentation Française (France)
  15. DF stands for Dual Frequency
  16. DF stands for Don’t Fragment
  17. DF stands for Dead Fish
  18. DF stands for Direction Flag
  19. D/F stands for Dioxins and Furans
  20. DF stands for Drinking Fountain (various companies)
  21. DF stands for Diesel Fuel
  22. DF stands for Disk Farm
  23. DF stands for Delay Fuse
  24. DF stands for Dodd-Frank (finance law)
  25. DF stands for Dragon Force (band)
  26. DF stands for Dietary Fiber
  27. D/F stands for Disposition Form
  28. DF stands for Dengue Fever
  29. DF stands for Darkfall (game)
  30. DF stands for Dong Feng (Asia automobile manofacturer)
  31. DF stands for Douglas Fir
  32. DF stands for Distraction Free (web browser extension)
  33. DF stands for Data Field
  34. DF stands for Dead Frontier
  35. DF stands for Decision Feedback
  36. DF stands for Darkness Falls (Dark Age of Camelot online game)
  37. DF stands for Dissipation Factor
  38. DF stands for Dirt Farmer
  39. DF stands for Divine Forces (gaming; Runescape clan)
  40. DF stands for Dark Forces (LucasArts game)
  41. DF stands for Defence Forces (Irish Army)
  42. DF stands for Derek Fisher (NBA Player)
  43. DF stands for David Farrell (composer)
  44. DF stands for Dragonfable (online game)
  45. DF stands for Double Feature
  46. DF stands for Destination Field
  47. D/F stands for Depth of Field
  48. DF stands for Data Fusion
  49. DF stands for Dancefit
  50. DF stands for Dilution Factor
  51. DF stands for Design Feature
  52. DF stands for Dorsiflexion
  53. DF stands for Digital Forensics
  54. DF stands for Dobbs Ferry (New York)
  55. DF stands for Depth Finder
  56. DF stands for Down Forward (video game)
  57. DF stands for Disposal Facility
  58. DF stands for Discount Factor
  59. DF stands for Dean of the Faculty
  60. DF stands for Design Flow
  61. DF stands for Democratic Front (India)
  62. DF stands for Deep Forest (band)
  63. DF stands for Dungeon Family (Collection of Bands)
  64. DF stands for Dog Fight (air-to-air combat)
  65. DF stands for Duty Factor
  66. DF stands for Dedicated File
  67. DF stands for Drilling Fluid
  68. DF stands for Dioxins and Furans
  69. DF stands for Despair Faction (website)
  70. DF stands for Damage Free
  71. DF stands for Disposition Form
  72. DF stands for Districto Federal
  73. DF stands for Darling Fiancee
  74. DF stands for Delivery Function
  75. DF stands for Dark Future (role playing game)
  76. DF stands for Degree Fahrenheit
  77. DF stands for Dermatofibroma (skin tumor)
  78. DF stands for Distribution Frame
  79. DF stands for Defender of the Faith
  80. DF stands for Deep Freezer (storage and preservation)
  81. DF stands for Deuterium Fluoride
  82. DF stands for Difference Frequency
  83. DF stands for Digital Fortress (book)
  84. DF stands for Defensive Fire
  85. DF stands for Distance Formula
  86. DF stands for Density Factor
  87. DF stands for Decode and Forward
  88. DF stands for Distriktsidrottsförbund (Swedish Gymnastics Federation)
  89. DF stands for Device Flag
  90. DF stands for Diamond Frame (bicycle)
  91. DF stands for Dead Fantasy (anime)
  92. DF stands for Digital Fingerprint
  93. DF stands for DynaFlat (Samsung monitor)
  94. DF stands for Double Flag
  95. DF stands for Deblocking Filter
  96. DF stands for Decontamination Factor
  97. DF stands for Dielectric Film
  98. DF stands for Dose Factor
  99. DF stands for Destroyer Flotilla
  100. DF stands for Development Flight
  101. DF stands for Data Formatter
  102. DF stands for Dead Freight
  103. DF stands for Dispersion Factor
  104. DF stands for Decimation Factor
  105. DF stands for Direct Fulfillment (contract manufacturer sends product directly to the customer)
  106. DF stands for Dead Files
  107. DF stands for Delivery Facility (Canada Post)
  108. DF stands for Delay Fault
  109. DF stands for Duplex Filter
  110. DF stands for Dark Falz (Phantasy Star Online boss, gaming)
  111. DF stands for Dynamic Flux
  112. DF stands for Danske Folkedanseres (Denmark)
  113. DF stands for Die Famous
  114. DF stands for Dark Friend
  115. DF stands for Dynamo Field (automotive electronics)
  116. DF stands for Dark Faction (video game)
  117. DF stands for Dimensional Fact (data warehouse model)
  118. DF stands for Double Feeder
  119. DF stands for Dissociation Factor (chemistry)
  120. DF stands for The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (computer game)
  121. DF stands for DuelField (online game)
  122. DF stands for Delay Fuze
  123. DF stands for Demodulation Filter
  124. DF stands for Drainage Frequency
  125. DF stands for Dhammakaya Foundation
  126. DF stands for Droopy Flange
  127. DF stands for Duck Farm, Inc.
  128. DF stands for Dysfunctional Fighters (gaming clan)

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