- DAA stands for Department of Academic Affairs (various schools)
- DAA stands for Digital Advertising Alliance (marketing consortium)
- DAA stands for D-Aspartic Acid (amino acid)
- DAA stands for Dynamic Asset Allocation (investing)
- DAA stands for Dance Arts Academy (various locations)
- DAA stands for Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie (German: German Employee Academy)
- DAA stands for Distinguished Alumni Award (various schools)
- DAA stands for Designated Approving Authority
- DAA stands for Dublin Airport Authority (Ireland)
- DAA stands for Duke Alumni Association (Duke University; North Carolina)
- DAA stands for Dealers Auto Auction (various locations)
- DAA stands for Division Administrative Assistant (various schools)
- DAA stands for Direct Anterior Approach (hip replacement)
- DAA stands for Data Access Arrangement
- DAA stands for Disability Awareness in Action (UK)
- DAA stands for Direct Antiviral Agent (hepatitis therapy)
- DAA stands for District Agricultural Association (California)
- DAA stands for Dépendant Affectif Anonyme (French: Emotional Dependency Anonymous; Canada)
- DAA stands for Distributed Application Architecture
- DAA stands for Decatur Arts Alliance (Decatur, GA)
- DAA stands for Detect and Avoid (wireless networking)
- DAA stands for Direct Access Arrangement
- DAA stands for Digest Access Authentication
- DAA stands for Draper Aden Associates (Blacksburg, VA)
- DAA stands for Designated Accrediting Authority
- DAA stands for Dancing about Architecture
- DAA stands for Designated Approval Authority (less common)
- DAA stands for Diacetone Alcohol
- DAA stands for Defense Authorization Act (Public Law)
- DAA stands for Director of Army Accounts (UK)
- DAA stands for Data Analysis in Astronomy (workshop)
- DAA stands for Directly Associated Activity (UK)
- DAA stands for Doylestown Athletic Association (est. 1968)
- DAA stands for Dieticians Association of Australia (Deakin, ACT, Australia)
- DAA stands for Distinguished Achievement Award
- DAA stands for Deputy Assistant Administrator
- DAA stands for Days After Anthesis
- DAA stands for Decimal Adjust for Addition
- DAA stands for Discharge Always Afloat (shipping)
- DAA stands for Dead after Arrival
- DAA stands for Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie
- DAA stands for Data Authentication Algorithm
- DAA stands for Deputy Associate Administrator
- DAA stands for Digital Art Awards (Japan)
- DAA stands for Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- DAA stands for Document Availability Authorization
- DAA stands for Dominion Automobile Association
- DAA stands for Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (University of Toronto)
- DAA stands for Display Alternate Area Routing Lists (US DoD)
- DAA stands for Drug Addicts Anonymous (recovery support group)
- DAA stands for Device Access Architecture (Viero)
- DAA stands for Designated Accreditation Authority
- DAA stands for Distributed Active Archive
- DAA stands for Default Aversion Assistance (student loans)
- DAA stands for Drug Addiction and or Alcoholism
- DAA stands for Dental Anthropology Association
- DAA stands for Delaware Apartment Association (Newark, DE)
- DAA stands for Distribution Automatique d’Appels
- DAA stands for Data Access Agent
- DAA stands for Design Automation Assistant
- DAA stands for Data Acquisition Assembly
- DAA stands for Designated Auditing Agency (New Zealand)
- DAA stands for Dine Across America
- DAA stands for Droplet Aerosol Analyser
- DAA stands for Digital/Analog/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering)
- DAA stands for Data Asset Analysis
- DAA stands for Data Accountability
- DAA stands for Depot Access Agreement (UK railways)
- DAA stands for Downing Aviation Associates
- DAA stands for Dual-Antenna Array
- DAA stands for Dental Assistants’ Association of Australia Inc.
- DAA stands for Defense Auditing Agency
- DAA stands for Direct Attack Aircraft
- DAA stands for Doppler Air Alignment
- DAA stands for Decision Aid Application
- DAA stands for Diploma in Archive Administration
- DAA stands for Definitive Alliance Agreement
- DAA stands for Diaspora and Art