- DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (US DHS)
- DACA stands for Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment (truth detection; Ft. Jackson, SC)
- DACA stands for Dumaguete Academy for Culinary Arts (Philippines)
- DACA stands for Digital Age Communications Act (US legislation)
- DACA stands for Drug Administration and Control Authority
- DACA stands for De Anza Cupertino Aquatics
- DACA stands for Days After Contract Award
- DACA stands for Dassault Aéroclub Aquitaine (French flying club)
- DACA stands for Debt And Credit Advisors, Inc
- DACA stands for Deposit Account Control Agreement (finance)
- DACA stands for Droit des Affaires Spécialité Contentieux des Affaires (French: Business Law Specializing in Litigation; course; University of Paris X Nanterre)
- DACA stands for Data Acquisition and Control architecture
- DACA stands for Design Alliance to Combat AIDS
- DACA stands for Department Advisory Committees on Appointments (University of Waterloo, Canada)