DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (US DHS)
DACA stands for Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment (truth detection; Ft. Jackson, SC)
DACA stands for Dumaguete Academy for Culinary Arts (Philippines)
DACA stands for Digital Age Communications Act (US legislation)
DACA stands for Drug Administration and Control Authority
DACA stands for De Anza Cupertino Aquatics
DACA stands for Days After Contract Award
DACA stands for Dassault Aéroclub Aquitaine (French flying club)
DACA stands for Debt And Credit Advisors, Inc
DACA stands for Deposit Account Control Agreement (finance)
DACA stands for Droit des Affaires Spécialité Contentieux des Affaires (French: Business Law Specializing in Litigation; course; University of Paris X Nanterre)
DACA stands for Data Acquisition and Control architecture
DACA stands for Design Alliance to Combat AIDS
DACA stands for Department Advisory Committees on Appointments (University of Waterloo, Canada)