1. DAI stands for Development Alternatives Inc.
  2. DAI stands for Daimler AG (stock symbol)
  3. DAI stands for Distributed Artificial Intelligence
  4. DAI stands for Diabetes Association, Inc. (Massachusetts)
  5. DAI stands for Department of Artificial Intelligence
  6. DAI stands for Diffuse Axonal Injury (head trauma)
  7. DAI stands for Disease Activity Index
  8. DAI stands for Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German: German Archaeological Institute)
  9. DAI stands for Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (German: German-American Institute; Germany)
  10. DAI stands for Défibrillateur Automatique Implantable (French: Implantable Cardiology Defibrillator)
  11. DAI stands for Deluxe All Inclusive (travel)
  12. DAI stands for Dynamic Ad Insertion
  13. DAI stands for Do As Infinity (Japanese band)
  14. DAI stands for Dynamic ARP Inspection (Cisco)
  15. DAI stands for Direction des Affaires Internationales (French: Department of International Affairs; various locations)
  16. DAI stands for Dissertation Abstracts International
  17. DAI stands for Diffuse Axonal Injury (brain contusion, neurology)
  18. DAI stands for Détecteur Automatique d’Incendie (French: Automatic Fire Detectors)
  19. DAI stands for Dansk Arbejder Idrætsforbund (Denmark)
  20. DAI stands for Direct Audio Input (assistive listening device)
  21. DAI stands for Development Agency, Inc. (Macedonia)
  22. DAI stands for Data Acquisition Interface
  23. DAI stands for Digital Access Index
  24. DAI stands for Digital Audio Interface
  25. DAI stands for Days After Inoculation
  26. DAI stands for District Attorney Investigator (California)
  27. DAI stands for Driving after Imbibing (Pennsylvania)
  28. DAI stands for Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference
  29. DAI stands for Design Architecture Intérieur (French: Interior Design Architecture)
  30. DAI stands for Drug Attitude Inventory
  31. DAI stands for Diamond Aircraft Industries
  32. DAI stands for Defense Agency Initiative
  33. DAI stands for Differential Active Inductor
  34. DAI stands for Digital Applications International
  35. DAI stands for Dallas Area Interfaith (Texas; est. 1990)
  36. DAI stands for Device Application Interface
  37. DAI stands for Dewan Asuransi Indonesia
  38. DAI stands for Doctors Associates, Inc (Milford, CT)
  39. DAI stands for Direct Aid Iraq (est. 2007)
  40. DAI stands for Development Activity Information
  41. DAI stands for Director of Army Instruction
  42. DAI stands for Dougherty & Associates, Inc. (Alexandria, Virginia)
  43. DAI stands for Derecho Arancelario de Importación (Guatemala)
  44. DAI stands for Development Alternative Incorporated
  45. DAI stands for Death from Accidental Injury
  46. DAI stands for Dispute Analysis and Investigations
  47. DAI stands for Damage Assessment Indicator
  48. DAI stands for Dial Address Incoming
  49. DAI stands for Deutsches Aktieninstitut eV
  50. DAI stands for Delivery Address Information (Canada Post)
  51. DAI stands for Delivery Agent Infrastructure
  52. DAI stands for Detailed Architecture Inspection
  53. DAI stands for Direct AUTODIN Interface
  54. DAI stands for Direction Associates Inc (Anderson, IN)

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