1. DAP stands for Drug and Alcohol Program (various organizations)
  2. DAP stands for Drug and Alcohol Prevention (various organizations)
  3. DAP stands for Download Accelerator Plus
  4. DAP stands for Directory Access Protocol (X.500)
  5. DAP stands for Democratic Action Party (Malaysian political party, founded in 1966)
  6. DAP stands for Disbursement Acceleration Program (Philippines)
  7. DAP stands for Digital Audio Player
  8. DAP stands for Development Assessment Panel (Australia)
  9. DAP stands for Diammonium Phosphate (fertilizer)
  10. DAP stands for Developing a Partnership (various organizations)
  11. DAP stands for Dapsone (drug)
  12. DAP stands for Draw A Person (test)
  13. DAP stands for Department of Applied Physics (various universities)
  14. DAP stands for Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German worker’s party)
  15. DAP stands for Developmentally Appropriate Practice
  16. DAP stands for Distinguished Achievement Program
  17. DAP stands for Digital Audio Processor
  18. DAP stands for Days After Planting
  19. DAP stands for Deutsches Akkreditierungssystem Prüfwesen (German: German Accreditation System for Testing)
  20. DAP stands for Dossier Afspraken en Procedures (Dutch: Dossier Agreements and Procedures; Netherlands)
  21. DAP stands for Diploma in Accounting Program (University of British Columbia; Canada)
  22. DAP stands for Délégation aux Arts Plastiques (French: Delegation to the Visual Arts)
  23. DAP stands for Diversity Awareness Partnership (St. Louis, MO)
  24. DAP stands for Defense Acquisition Portal (est. 2009; US DoD)
  25. DAP stands for Dose Area Product (X-Ray)
  26. DAP stands for Demande d’Admission Préalable (French: Application for Admission Prerequisites; various universities)
  27. DAP stands for Diallyl Phthalate
  28. DAP stands for Domestic Appliances and Personal Care (various organizations)
  29. DAP stands for Development Academy of the Philippines
  30. DAP stands for Diabetes-Associated Peptide
  31. DAP stands for Demande d’Accord Préalable (French: Requirement of Prior Agreement)
  32. DAP stands for Data Access Protocol
  33. DAP stands for Defense Acquisition Policy
  34. DAP stands for Draught Animal Power
  35. DAP stands for Développement et Amélioration des Plantes (French: Development and Improvement of Plants)
  36. DAP stands for Detailed Action Plan (various organizations)
  37. DAP stands for Downtown Area Plan (various locations)
  38. DAP stands for Delivered at Place
  39. DAP stands for Dearborn Assembly Plant (Michigan)
  40. DAP stands for Distributed Array Processor
  41. DAP stands for Diversity Action Plan (various locations)
  42. DAP stands for Documents d’Accompagnement des Prélèvements (French: Documents Accompanying Samples)
  43. DAP stands for Direct Assistance Program
  44. DAP stands for Dystrophin-Associated Protein (biochemistry)
  45. DAP stands for Development Assistance Project (various locations)
  46. DAP stands for Discount Auto Parts
  47. DAP stands for Days All Purpose (shipping)
  48. DAP stands for Depósito de Aviso Previo (Portuguese: Deposit Prior Notice; Brazil)
  49. DAP stands for Document Application Profile
  50. DAP stands for Data-Acquisition Processor
  51. DAP stands for Digital Autopilot
  52. DAP stands for Development Action Plan
  53. DAP stands for Democratic Alliance Party (Cook Islands)
  54. DAP stands for Dual Admission Program (various schools)
  55. DAP stands for Diaminopropionic Acid
  56. DAP stands for Data Analysis Program
  57. DAP stands for Disaster Assistance Program (US Small Business Administration)
  58. DAP stands for Drug Abuse Program (non-residential; US Bureau of Prisons)
  59. DAP stands for Dignity And Pride (70s ethnic handshake)
  60. DAP stands for Digital Archive Project
  61. DAP stands for Dig A Pony (Beatles song)
  62. DAP stands for Disability Awareness Program (various locations)
  63. DAP stands for Delivery Against Payment
  64. DAP stands for Diagnostic Accreditation Program
  65. DAP stands for Digital Acoustics Processor
  66. DAP stands for Direct Action Penetrator
  67. DAP stands for Douche Autonome Portable (French: Autonomous Portable Shower)
  68. DAP stands for Draft Action Plan
  69. DAP stands for Discover America Partnership (travel)
  70. DAP stands for Parents Against Dyslexia
  71. DAP stands for Defense Acquisition Program
  72. DAP stands for Drug Action Programme (WHO)
  73. DAP stands for Device Access Port
  74. DAP stands for Debug Access Port
  75. DAP stands for Detroit Advisory Panel (American Petroleum Institute)
  76. DAP stands for Digital Auto Pilot (Orbiter)
  77. DAP stands for Distributed Audio Processing
  78. DAP stands for Distending Airway Pressure (respiration)
  79. DAP stands for Deferred Activation Patching (software)
  80. DAP stands for Data Analysis Plan
  81. DAP stands for Drug Advisory Programme
  82. DAP stands for Data Analysis and Presentation
  83. DAP stands for Developers Assistance Program (IBM)
  84. DAP stands for Divisional Ammunition Park (UK)
  85. DAP stands for Defense Automated Printing
  86. DAP stands for Directory Application Protocol
  87. DAP stands for Data Acquisition Plan (NASA)
  88. DAP stands for Dairy Analyzer Program (veterinary software)
  89. DAP stands for Defensive Armed Penetrator (MH-60l Helicopter)
  90. DAP stands for Downlink of Aircraft Parameters (Mode S)
  91. DAP stands for Dihydroxy Acetone Phosphate
  92. DAP stands for Departamenti I Administratës Publike (Department of Public Administration, Albania)
  93. DAP stands for Dispatch Application Processor
  94. DAP stands for Deltoid and Axillary Protectors (body armor)
  95. DAP stands for Distant Aiming Point
  96. DAP stands for Decontaminating Apparatus, Portable (US DoD)
  97. DAP stands for Designated Acquisition Program
  98. DAP stands for Deposit Administration Plan
  99. DAP stands for Data Archiving Process
  100. DAP stands for Data Administration Program
  101. DAP stands for Dutch Accounting Principles
  102. DAP stands for Do All Possible (airline lingo)
  103. DAP stands for Delta Access Perl
  104. DAP stands for Display Adjust Panel (avionics)
  105. DAP stands for Decon Apparatus: Portable
  106. DAP stands for Design Analysis Phase
  107. DAP stands for Dead after Purchase (exchange policy)
  108. DAP stands for Discipline Action Plan
  109. DAP stands for Digital, Analog, Positioner (Satellite Receivers)
  110. DAP stands for Director of Army Programs
  111. DAP stands for Digital Access Product
  112. DAP stands for Developer Access Program
  113. DAP stands for Design Acceptance Package
  114. DAP stands for Departure and Arrival Point
  115. DAP stands for Data, Assessment and Plan (nursing)
  116. DAP stands for Discrepancy Avoidance Program
  117. DAP stands for Down Awaiting Parts
  118. DAP stands for Directory Access Processor
  119. DAP stands for Directed Audit Program
  120. DAP stands for Digital Avionics Program
  121. DAP stands for Diagnostic and Automation Program
  122. DAP stands for Data Automation Plan
  123. DAP stands for Delivered at Appointed Place (shipping)
  124. DAP stands for Dense Area Processor
  125. DAP stands for Detached Antenna Parameters
  126. DAP stands for Development Activity Panel
  127. DAP stands for Device Application Program
  128. DAP stands for Diagnostic Adaptive Planning (US DoD)
  129. DAP stands for Delivery Appraisal Panel
  130. DAP stands for Deaf Anthropology Page
  131. DAP stands for Dynamic Aborting Protocol
  132. DAP stands for Digital Asset Producer
Abbreviations And Their Meaning