1. DAR stands for Daughters of the American Revolution
  2. DAR stands for Data At Rest
  3. DAR stands for Daily Afternoon Randomness (Chive)
  4. DAR stands for Disk Archive
  5. DAR stands for Disability and Rehabilitation (World Health Organization)
  6. DAR stands for Department of Agrarian Reform (Philippines)
  7. DAR stands for Dial-A-Ride (senior program)
  8. DAR stands for Department of Agricultural Resources (Massachusetts)
  9. DAR stands for Display Aspect Ratio
  10. DAR stands for Document Analysis and Recognition
  11. DAR stands for Dirección de Acueductos Rurales (Spanish: Direction of Rural Aqueducts; Nicaragua)
  12. DAR stands for Département d’Anesthésie-Réanimation (French: Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care; various organizations)
  13. DAR stands for Division of AIDS Research (US NIMH)
  14. DAR stands for Division of Air Resources (New York)
  15. DAR stands for Designated Airworthiness Representative
  16. DAR stands for Data, Action, Response (health care)
  17. DAR stands for Decision Analysis and Resolution
  18. DAR stands for Degree Audit Report (various schools)
  19. DAR stands for Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania – International (Airport Code)
  20. DAR stands for Direct Autumn Release (whooping cranes)
  21. DAR stands for Designated Agency Representative (US GSA)
  22. DAR stands for Defense Acquisition Regulation
  23. DAR stands for Day-After Recall
  24. DAR stands for Digital Audio Recorder
  25. DAR stands for Digital Audio Radio
  26. DAR stands for Daily Activity Report
  27. DAR stands for Draft Assessment Report (European Food Safety Authority)
  28. DAR stands for Dominion Atlantic Railway (Nova Scotia)
  29. DAR stands for Diagnostic Assessment of Reading
  30. DAR stands for Downwinders at Risk (Texas)
  31. DAR stands for Default Application Router (software)
  32. DAR stands for Division of Animal Resources
  33. DAR stands for Direction des Achats Responsables (French: Purchasing Department Heads; University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
  34. DAR stands for Design Abstracts Retrospective (journal index)
  35. DAR stands for Data Access Request
  36. DAR stands for Data Acquisition Request
  37. DAR stands for Dynamic Alternative Routing
  38. DAR stands for Dressed All Round (grade of timber, where all sides are machined)
  39. DAR stands for Data Analysis Report
  40. DAR stands for Data Address Register
  41. DAR stands for Darier-White Disease
  42. DAR stands for Driving After Revocation (citation)
  43. DAR stands for Digital Array Radar
  44. DAR stands for D’Arianne Resources Inc (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada)
  45. DAR stands for Dignité, Apaisement et Réconciliation (French: Dignity, Appeasement and Reconciliation)
  46. DAR stands for Digital Assets Repository
  47. DAR stands for Digital Anti-jam Receiver (GPS)
  48. DAR stands for Days Away Rate (metric)
  49. DAR stands for Drawer’s Attention Required (banking)
  50. DAR stands for Dynamic Adaptive Routing (Cisco)
  51. DAR stands for Design Approval Representative (transit; Canada)
  52. DAR stands for Dry Adiabatic Rate (meteorology)
  53. DAR stands for Data Access Register
  54. DAR stands for Deviation Approval Request
  55. DAR stands for Data Aided Receiver
  56. DAR stands for Defense Acquisition Radar
  57. DAR stands for Daily Active Rhythm (health care)
  58. DAR stands for Disc Area Ratio
  59. DAR stands for Distortion Adaptive Receiver
  60. DAR stands for Data Acquisition Recording
  61. DAR stands for Digital Aids Recorder (Airbus Industrie)
  62. DAR stands for Disabled Aircraft Recovery
  63. DAR stands for Damage Assessment Routines
  64. DAR stands for Data Automation Requirement
  65. DAR stands for Drawing Analysis Record
  66. DAR stands for Damned Average Raiser (testing)
  67. DAR stands for Designated Area of Recovery (combat search and rescue)
  68. DAR stands for Dynamic Address Resolution (Cisco)
  69. DAR stands for Dielectric Absorption Rate
  70. DAR stands for Digital Autopilot Requirements
  71. DAR stands for Document Approval and Release
  72. DAR stands for Double Address Rate
  73. DAR stands for Disbursement Authorization Request
  74. DAR stands for Deviation Authorization Request
  75. DAR stands for Département d’Anesthésiologie et de Réanimation (French: Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; Hospital Center of Valais; Valais, Switzerland)
  76. DAR stands for Design Assessment Report
  77. DAR stands for Defect Analysis Report (software development)
  78. DAR stands for Distributed Array Radar
  79. DAR stands for Direct Assistance Request
  80. DAR stands for Domestic Animals Registries Inc
  81. DAR stands for Dryer, Compressed Air, Refrigerated
  82. DAR stands for Declassification Areas
  83. DAR stands for Data Automation Request
  84. DAR stands for Direct and Alternate Route
  85. DAR stands for Detector-Array Receiver
  86. DAR stands for Division of Accounting and Reporting (California)
  87. DAR stands for Dorsal Acetabular Rime
  88. DAR stands for Data Acquisition Requirement
  89. DAR stands for Deutscher Akkreditierung Rat
Abbreviations And Their Meaning