1. DARC stands for Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (German amateur radio club)
  2. DARC stands for Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines
  3. DARC stands for Digital Arts Research Center (University of California, Santa Cruz)
  4. DARC stands for Data Radio Channel
  5. DARC stands for Direct Access Radar Channel
  6. DARC stands for Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council (US DoD)
  7. DARC stands for Dyslexia Awareness and Resource Center
  8. DARC stands for Dallas Amateur Radio Club (Texas, USA)
  9. DARC stands for Dominica Amateur Radio Club
  10. DARC stands for Delaware Aquaculture Resource Center
  11. DARC stands for Decatur Austin Robotics Coalition (est. 2008)
  12. DARC stands for Days After Receipt of Comments (contracts)
  13. DARC stands for Deformed Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites
  14. DARC stands for Defense Acquisition & Reports Control
  15. DARC stands for Data Acquisition & Reduction Center
  16. DARC stands for Data Analysis and Remote Control (Sprint)
  17. DARC stands for Denver Adult Rider’s Club
  18. DARC stands for Drug anf Alcohol Rehabilitation Counselor

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