1. DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education
  2. DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English
  3. DARE stands for Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (Cochrane Library)
  4. DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Expensive
  5. DARE stands for Digital Academic Repositories (Dutch academic research website)
  6. DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Exciting
  7. DARE stands for Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
  8. DARE stands for Defence Avionics Research Establishment (India)
  9. DARE stands for Department of Agricultural Research and Education (India)
  10. DARE stands for Driftless Area Restoration Effort (conservation partnership)
  11. DARE stands for Data Retrieval System (for Social and Human Sciences)
  12. DARE stands for Data Archival and Retrieval Enhancement
  13. DARE stands for Define Assess Respond Evaluate (decision-making model)
  14. DARE stands for Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation
  15. DARE stands for Directed Aerial Robot Explorer (NASA)
  16. DARE stands for Domain Analysis for Early Reuse and Evolution
  17. DARE stands for Drug Awareness Rehabilitation Education
  18. DARE stands for Derbyshire Association of Residential Education
  19. DARE stands for Denuder Atmospheric Research Experiment
  20. DARE stands for Documentation Automatic Retrieval Equipment

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