1. DARS stands for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (various locations)
  2. DARS stands for Degree Audit Reporting System (registration and transcript software)
  3. DARS stands for Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
  4. DARS stands for Digital Audio Radio Service
  5. DARS stands for District Amateur Radio Society (UK)
  6. DARS stands for Digital Audio Radio Satellite
  7. DARS stands for Dallas Area Rocket Society
  8. DARS stands for Développement Agricole et Rural au Sud (French: Agricultural and Rural Development in the South)
  9. DARS stands for Dry Ash Removal System
  10. DARS stands for Digital Audio Reference Signal
  11. DARS stands for Digital Audio Radio System
  12. DARS stands for Data Acquisition and Recording System
  13. DARS stands for Degree Auditing Report System (University)
  14. DARS stands for Department of Defense Architecture Repository System
  15. DARS stands for Data Acquisition and Reduction System (NASA)
  16. DARS stands for Databased Accounting Reconciliation System
  17. DARS stands for Daily Aerial Reconnaissance Syndicate
  18. DARS stands for Defense Acquisition Regulatory System
  19. DARS stands for Document Archival Retrieval System
  20. DARS stands for Daily Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance
  21. DARS stands for Department of the Army Relocation Sites
  22. DARS stands for DoD (Department of Defense) Architecture Registry System (US DoD)
  23. DARS stands for Domestic Appliance Repair Services (UK)
  24. DARS stands for Deployable ACC (Air Control Centre), RPC (Recognized Air Picture Production Centre), SFP (Sensor Fusion Post)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning