1. DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit
  2. DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team
  3. DART stands for Disaster Animal Response Team
  4. DART stands for Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (software)
  5. DART stands for Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (US DoD)
  6. DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit
  7. DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit (train service in Dublin, Ireland)
  8. DART stands for Diet and Reinfarction Trial
  9. DART stands for Diabetes Australia Research Trust
  10. DART stands for Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (Iowa)
  11. DART
    stands for Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis
  12. DART stands for Developmental And Reproductive Toxicology (database)
  13. DART stands for Days Away, Restricted or Transferred
  14. DART stands for Deloitte Accounting Research Tool (online resource)
  15. DART stands for Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology (NASA robotic spacecraft)
  16. DART stands for Day and Residential Treatment (Portland, OR)
  17. DART stands for Data Retention Tool
  18. DART stands for Disaster Assistance Relief Team
  19. DART stands for Drug Abatement Response Team (various locations)
  20. DART stands for Dynamic Advertising, Reporting, and Targeting (DoubleClick)
  21. DART stands for Dial A Ride Transportation (community transit)
  22. DART stands for Directed Automated Random Testing (software testing)
  23. DART stands for Downed Aircraft Recovery Team
  24. DART stands for Digital Audio Recording Technology (US Copyright Office)
  25. DART stands for Defense Adaptive Red Team (wargaming guide)
  26. DART stands for Daily Average Revenue Trades
  27. DART stands for Domestic All-Hazards Response Team (US Army)
  28. DART stands for Dataset Acquisition, Accessibility and Annotation e-Research Technologies
  29. DART stands for Drug & Alcohol Registry of Treatment
  30. DART stands for Data Analysis Reporting Tool (CTI)
  31. DART stands for Dual Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
  32. DART stands for Delaware Area Regional Transit
  33. DART stands for Domestic Assault Response Team
  34. DART stands for Driving Ability Road Test (Australia)
  35. DART stands for Domestic Abuse Resistance Team
  36. DART stands for Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Testbed (NASA robot)
  37. DART stands for Disclosure and Release Tool (Bevilacqua Research Corporation; Huntsville, AL)
  38. DART stands for Digital Arts and Multimedia Design
  39. DART stands for District Assessment of Reading Team (Canada)
  40. DART stands for Data Analysis Reconciliation Tool (US DoD finance and accounting)
  41. DART stands for Disaster Animal Relief Team
  42. DART stands for Damage Assessment and Recovery Team (NASA)
  43. DART stands for Direct Action Response Team
  44. DART stands for Discrete Angle Radiative Transfer (clouds)
  45. DART stands for Data Analysis and Reduction Tool
  46. DART stands for Dane Alliance for Rail Transit
  47. DART stands for Dust Accumulation and Removal Technology (NASA Mars 2001 lander mission experiment)
  48. DART stands for Direct Access Responsive Transit (Dublin, California, US)
  49. DART stands for Data Access Real Time
  50. DART stands for Distributed Acoustic Reflection Transducer
  51. DART stands for Disability Awareness Resource Team
  52. DART stands for Developing Active Regions and Sustainable Tourism
  53. DART stands for Diagnostic and Reprogramming Tool (Chrysler)
  54. DART stands for Depression Awareness, Recognition and Treatment Program (National Institute of Mental Health)
  55. DART stands for Danish Adult Reading Test
  56. DART stands for Distributed Audio Retrieval using Triana
  57. DART stands for Data Access and Retrieval Tool (US Army Natick Soldier Center)
  58. DART stands for Doctor of Art
  59. DART stands for Department of Agricultural Research and Training (Namibia)
  60. DART stands for Deconstruction/Approximation/Reconstruction Technique (a method for approximating functions of two vector variables by tensor products)
  61. DART stands for Directional Automatic Realignment of Trajectory
  62. DART stands for Damage Assessment Reconnaissance Team (FEMA)
  63. DART stands for Document Archive and Retrieval Tool
  64. DART stands for Downed Aircraft Rescue Transmitter
  65. DART stands for Dynamic Avionics Real – Time Scheduling
  66. DART stands for Decomposed Ammonia Radioisotope Thruster
  67. DART stands for Deployable Automatic Relay Terminal
  68. DART stands for Deficiency Analysis Ranking Technique
  69. DART stands for Detection Action & Response Technique
  70. DART stands for Deviation Authorization Request Tool (Cisco Systems)
  71. DART stands for Disaster Assessment & Recovery Team (FEMA)
  72. DART stands for Data Analysis and Review Team
  73. DART stands for Data Assessment Rapid Transmittal
  74. DART stands for Dynamically Adaptive Receiver Transmitter
  75. DART stands for Dual Axis Rate Transducer
  76. DART stands for Drug Awareness and Recovery Team
  77. DART stands for Dairy Accelerated Rocket Thingy (Kids Next Door show)
  78. DART stands for Demonstration of Advanced Radar Techniques
  79. DART stands for Design and Analysis for Real Time Systems
  80. DART stands for Distributed Anti-Stokes Ratio Thermometry
  81. DART stands for Damage Assessment Regulations Team
  82. DART stands for Dead Animal Response Team (Trinidad & Tobago)
  83. DART stands for Drug Awareness and Recognition Training
  84. DART stands for Documentation Assistance and Review Team
  85. DART stands for Dynamic Application of Rapid Transportation
  86. DART stands for Damage Assessment Response Team
  87. DART stands for Director of Army Research and Technology
  88. DART stands for Direct Access Repository Toolkit
  89. DART stands for Direct Advisory of Recorded Transactions
  90. DART stands for Daily Advisories/Risk & Threat (FEMA)
  91. DART stands for Daily Automatic Regression Tester
  92. DART stands for Database Analysis Research Targeting
  93. DART stands for Defense Annual Review Team (OSD level group reviewing NATO Annual Reports circa 1950’s)
  94. DART stands for Deployment and Activation Rehearsal and Training
  95. DART stands for Distribution, Access, Routing and Trunking (Sprint)
  96. DART stands for Duplex Army Radio/Radar Targeting
  97. DART stands for Dry Air Rated Temperature

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