1. DARTS stands for Data Archive and Transmission System
  2. DARTS stands for Dynamic Application and Rapid Targeting System (planning software)
  3. DARTS
    stands for Design Approach for Real-Time Systems
  4. DARTS stands for Days in the Arts
  5. DARTS stands for Directed Activities Relating to Texts
  6. DARTS stands for Digital Automated Radar Tracking System
  7. DARTS stands for Dynamic Avionics Real-Time Scheduling
  8. DARTS stands for Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking Software
  9. DARTS stands for Demonstration of Advanced Reliability Techniques for Safety-Related Computer Systems
  10. DARTS stands for Demand Assessment Requirements Tracking Study
  11. DARTS stands for Design Automation for Real Time Signal Processing
  12. DARTS stands for DOE Audit Reporting & Tracking System
  13. DARTS stands for Digital Alarm, Remote Telemetry System
  14. DARTS stands for Dynamic Algorithms for Real Time Simulation
  15. DARTS stands for Delivery and Return Transport System
  16. DARTS stands for Data Requirements Transfer System
  17. DARTS stands for Digital Audio Retrieval & Tracking System (GTI Inc.; Denton, Texas)
  18. DARTS stands for Digital Automated Remote Test System
  19. DARTS stands for Does Anybody Read This Stuff (Sheffield University Union Magazine)
  20. DARTS stands for Disabled Aircraft Recovery Transport System
  21. DARTS stands for Delta Astrotech Reusable Transfer Stage
  22. DARTS stands for Diversified Aircrew Readiness Training
  23. DARTS stands for Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Training System
  24. DARTS stands for Destination Acceptance Reporting and Tracting Team

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