- DATA stands for Accountability and Trust Act
- DATA stands for Durham Area Transit Authority (Durham, NC)
- DATA stands for Design and Technology Association (UK)
- DATA stands for Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000
- DATA stands for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness
- DATA stands for Debt, AIDS and Trade in Africa (humanitarian organization)
- DATA stands for Analysis and Technical Assistance (Unit; Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs)
- DATA stands for Data-Aware Transport Activity (Nortel, ADC, Fujitsu, Etc)
- DATA stands for Design and Technology Academy (San Antonio, TX)
- DATA stands for Debt Aid and Trade for Africa
- DATA stands for Defense Air Transport Administration
- DATA stands for Do As Time Allows
- DATA stands for Decisions and Advanced Technology Associates, Inc.
- DATA stands for Delusions of Armymen Tank-drivers and Airmen
- DATA stands for Draughtsmens’ and Allied Technicians Association (UK)
- DATA stands for Drawings for Army Training Aids
- DATA stands for Desires, Abilities, Temperament, Assets
- DATA stands for Department of Advanced Technology Application (MMOG game)