1. DATA stands for Accountability and Trust Act
  2. DATA stands for Durham Area Transit Authority (Durham, NC)
  3. DATA stands for Design and Technology Association (UK)
  4. DATA stands for Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000
  5. DATA stands for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness
  6. DATA stands for Debt, AIDS and Trade in Africa (humanitarian organization)
  7. DATA stands for Analysis and Technical Assistance (Unit; Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs)
  8. DATA stands for Data-Aware Transport Activity (Nortel, ADC, Fujitsu, Etc)
  9. DATA stands for Design and Technology Academy (San Antonio, TX)
  10. DATA stands for Debt Aid and Trade for Africa
  11. DATA stands for Defense Air Transport Administration
  12. DATA stands for Do As Time Allows
  13. DATA stands for Decisions and Advanced Technology Associates, Inc.
  14. DATA stands for Delusions of Armymen Tank-drivers and Airmen
  15. DATA stands for Draughtsmens’ and Allied Technicians Association (UK)
  16. DATA stands for Drawings for Army Training Aids
  17. DATA stands for Desires, Abilities, Temperament, Assets
  18. DATA stands for Department of Advanced Technology Application (MMOG game)

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