- DAV stands for Davis (Amtrak station code; Davis, CA)
- DAV stands for Disabled American Veterans
- DAV stands for Distributed Authoring and Versioning (HTTP extensions; aka WebDAV)
- DAV stands for Deutscher Alpenverein (German Mountaineering Association)
- DAV stands for Deutscher Anwaltverein (German lawyers’ association)
- DAV stands for Der Audio Verlag (German audio publisher)
- DAV stands for Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (Indian university)
- DAV stands for Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (German: German Actuarial Association)
- DAV stands for Data Available
- DAV stands for Departamento de Artes Visuales (Spanish: Department of Visual Arts; various locations)
- DAV stands for Digital Audio/Video (connector)
- DAV stands for Data Valid
- DAV stands for División de Atención a la Victima (Spanish: Division of Victim Care; various locations)
- DAV stands for Date of Availability
- DAV stands for Deerlick Astronomy Village (Crawfordville, GA)
- DAV stands for Dayanand Anglo Vedic
- DAV stands for Deutscher Apothekerverband (German: German Pharmacists Association)
- DAV stands for Data Above Voice
- DAV stands for Deutsche Aussenhandels- und Verkehrsakademie (Bremen, Germany)
- DAV stands for Danse Académie de la Valserine (French: Dance Academy of Valserine; Valserine, France)
- DAV stands for Depreciated Asset Value (financial management)
- DAV stands for Digital Analog Video
- DAV stands for Deployment Availability
- DAV stands for Delivery Address Verification (USPS)
- DAV stands for Digital Analyzing Voltmeter
- DAV stands for Deployment Assistance Visit
Abbreviations And Their Meaning