1. DBM stands for Database Management
  2. DBM stands for Department of Budget and Management
  3. DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix (grafts)
  4. dBm stands for Decibel (referenced to milliwatts)
  5. DBM stands for Dibenzoylmethane (chemical compound)
  6. DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix
  7. DBM stands for Database Marketing
  8. DBM
    stands for Double Balanced Mixer
  9. DBM stands forDrake Beam Morin (human resource services)
  10. DBM
    stands for Deadly Boss Mods (World of Warcraft addon)
  11. DBM stands for Database Mirroring (Microsoft SQL Server 2005)
  12. DBM stands for Data Base Manager
  13. DBM stands for De Bellis Multitudinis (Latin: large scale battle)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning