1. DCD stands for Division of Community Development (various organizations)
  2. DCD stands for Developmental Coordination Disorder
  3. DCD stands for Director of Corporate Development (various companies)
  4. DCD stands for Direction de la Coopération pour le Développement (French: Directorate of Development Cooperation)
  5. DCD stands for Data Carrier Detect
  6. DCD stands for Disease Control Division (various organizations)
  7. DCD stands for Donation After Cardiac Death (organ donation and transplantation)
  8. DCD stands for Department of Community Development
  9. DCD stands for Dead Can Dance (band)
  10. DCD stands for Drug Control Department (United Arab Emirates)
  11. DCD stands for Dubai Civil Defence (United Arab Emirates)
  12. DCD stands for Disorders of Cortical Development
  13. DCD stands for Development Co-operation Directorate (various organizations)
  14. DCD stands for Dead Connection Detection (software)
  15. DCD stands for Document Content Description (W3C, XML)
  16. DCD stands for Data Collection Device (US DoD)
  17. DCD stands for Development Communication Division (India)
  18. DCD stands for Décédé (French: Deceased)
  19. DCD stands for Digital Content Distribution (computing)
  20. DCD stands for Duty Cycle Distortion (ANSI)
  21. DCD stands for Dynamic Content Delivery
  22. DCD stands for Deseret Chemical Depot (Tooele, Utah)
  23. DCD stands for DirectCD
  24. DCD stands for Directorate of Combat Developments (now Concepts and Requirements Directorate)
  25. DCD stands for Diversity Career Day (Virginia)
  26. DCD stands for Disk-Caching Disk
  27. DCD stands for Design Control Document
  28. DCD stands for Def Con Dos (band)
  29. DCD stands for Davis Cemetery District (Davis, CA)
  30. DCD stands for DFAS Corporate Database
  31. DCD
    stands for Diploma of Company Direction (UK)
  32. DCD stands for Dual Currency Deposit (foreign exchange linked structured deposit)
  33. DCD stands for Downstream Channel Descriptor
  34. DCD stands for Document Content Definition
  35. DCD stands for Data Communications Device (Nortel)
  36. DCD stands for Digital Clock Distributor (Telecom Solutions)
  37. DCD stands for Die Cheerleader Die (band)
  38. DCD stands for Department of Career Development
  39. DCD stands for Design and Construction Division
  40. DCD stands for Defense Corporate Database
  41. DCD stands for Developmental Cognitive Disorder
  42. DCD stands for Dichotomous Coordinate Descent (algorithm)
  43. DCD stands for Defense Communications Division
  44. DCD stands for Data Consortium Dictionary
  45. DCD stands for Design Change Document
  46. DCD stands for Digital Capture Device
  47. DCD stands for Dual Command Decoder
  48. DCD stands for Dual Coil Drive
  49. DCD stands for Desired Completion Date
  50. DCD stands for Defence Construction Canada
  51. DCD stands for Dennis Test of Child Development
  52. DCD stands for DAF (Van Doorne’s Automobiel Fabriek) Club Deutschland, eV (German car club)
  53. DCD stands for Discharge Control Desk
  54. DCD stands for Digital Communications Dispatcher (police)
  55. DCD stands for Design Control Drawing
  56. DCD stands for Digital Conference Director
  57. DCD stands for Dependability of Component Design
  58. DCD stands for DESCOM Candidate Depot
  59. DCD stands for Dissociated Vertical Divergence
  60. DCD stands for Distributed Change Coverage
  61. DCD stands for Driver’s Compass Display (device showing heading, waypoint, distance, and steer-to information)
  62. DCD stands for Design Code Designator
Abbreviations And Their Meaning