1. DI stands for Data In
  2. DI stands for Due In
  3. DI stands for Das Ist (German: that is)
  4. DI stands for DestiNation ImagiNation
  5. DI stands for Division(al)
  6. DI stands for Digital Input
  7. DI stands for Direct Injection (connection of an electrical musical instrument to a mixer)
  8. DI stands for Digital Intermediate
  9. DI stands for Disability Insurance
  10. DI stands for Disability Income
  11. DI stands for Data Item
  12. DI stands for Digitally Imported (internet radio)
  13. DI stands for Diagnostic Imaging
  14. DI stands for Dependency Injection
  15. DI stands for Direct Instruction
  16. DI stands for Drug Interaction
  17. DI stands for Digital Interface
  18. DI stands for Daily Intake (nutrition; various organizations)
  19. DI stands for Drill Instructor
  20. DI stands for Distilled (water)
  21. DI stands for Document Imaging
  22. DI stands for Drug Induced
  23. DI stands for Discovery Institute
  24. DI stands for Divine Intervention (World of Warcraft; band)
  25. DI stands for Dig It (Beatles song)
  26. DI stands for Death Index
  27. DI stands for Data Integrator
  28. DI stands for Dagens Industri (Swedish newspaper)
  29. DI stands for Desert Inn (Las Vegas)
  30. DI stands for Divine Inspiration (band)
  31. DI stands for Ductile Iron
  32. DI stands for Differentiated Instruction (education)
  33. DI stands for Display Interface
  34. DI stands for Direct Injection (CAT)
  35. DI stands for Detective Inspector
  36. DI stands for Data Interchange
  37. DI stands for Diabetes Insipidus (water diabetes)
  38. DI stands for Deionized (Water)
  39. DI stands for Dramatic Interpretation
  40. DI stands for Donor Insemination
  41. DI stands for Internal Diameter
  42. DI stands for Defense Information
  43. DI stands for Dance Instructor
  44. DI stands for Dietetic Internship
  45. DI stands for Dual Immersion (education)
  46. DI stands for Directorate of Intelligence
  47. DI stands for Defense Investment (various organizations)
  48. DI stands for Digital Imagery
  49. DI stands for Dramatiska Institutet (Swedish university for arts and media)
  50. DI stands for Design Interface
  51. DI stands for Directional Influence (gaming)
  52. DI stands for Disability Index
  53. DI stands for Deinstitutionalization
  54. DI stands for Diplomi Insinööri (Finnish Degree)
  55. DI stands for Direction Indicator (aviation)
  56. DI stands for Degree of Integration
  57. DI stands for Data Interoperability
  58. DI stands for Destructive Interference (physics)
  59. DI stands for Destination Index
  60. DI stands for Diana/Diane
  61. DI stands for Double Integral
  62. DI stands for Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
  63. DI stands for Double Insulated
  64. DI stands for Disabled Individual
  65. DI stands for Design Instruction
  66. DI stands for Dyslexia Institute (UK)
  67. DI stands for Dynamic Interface
  68. DI stands for Deseret Industries
  69. DI stands for Document Identifier
  70. DI stands for Detrusor Instability
  71. DI stands for Discussion Item
  72. DI stands for Disable Interrupt (assembly language instruction)
  73. DI stands for Deflation-Inflation (volcanic tilt event0
  74. DI stands for Delay Insensitive
  75. DI stands for Dielectric Isolation
  76. DI stands for Director of Investigations
  77. DI stands for Déchets Inertes (French: Inert Waste; nuclear energy)
  78. DI stands for Development Item
  79. DI stands for Distinctive Insignia
  80. DI stands for DeMolay International
  81. DI stands for District Inspector
  82. DI stands for Duo Interpretation (oratorical exercise)
  83. DI stands for Director of Investments
  84. DI stands for Dismounted Infantry
  85. DI stands for Driver Identification
  86. DI stands for Delay Index
  87. DI stands for Destiny Islands (video game Kingdom Hearts)
  88. DI stands for Domain Integration
  89. DI stands for Damage Incorporated (computer game)
  90. DI stands for Damage Incorporated (gaming clan)
  91. DI stands for Dental Index
  92. DI stands for Distribution Interface
  93. DI stands for Diastolic Interval
  94. DI stands for Diagnostic Inspection
  95. DI stands for Doppler Index
  96. DI stands for Drunk and Incapable
  97. DI stands for Decoder Identification
  98. DI stands for Diameter-Inch (welding production for piping construction)
  99. DI stands for Discrete Identifier (US DoD)
  100. DI stands for Directing Implementation (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration)
  101. DI stands for Debt Indicator
  102. DI stands for Dorsal Interossei
  103. DI stands for Date Integrity
  104. DI stands for Drainage Inlet
  105. DI stands for Designated Inspection
  106. DI stands for Dry Injection
  107. DI stands for DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Directorate for Intelligence Production (US DoD)
  108. DI stands for Desktop Instructions
  109. DI stands for Desk Instructions
  110. DI stands for Discipline Instructor
  111. DI stands for Drugs Inspector (India)
  112. DI stands for Delay Indefinite
  113. DI stands for Designation Indicator
  114. DI stands for Diodes for Isolation
  115. DI stands for Dangerous Impoundment
  116. DI stands for Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis (US DoD)
  117. DI stands for Dormitory Inspection
  118. DI stands for Departure Approval Request for IFR Flight
  119. DI stands for Dependability/Directivity Index
Abbreviations And Their Meaning