1. DIA stands for Diameter
  2. DIA stands for Defense Intelligence Agency (USA)
  3. DIA stands for Denver International Airport
  4. DIA stands for Department of Internal Affairs
  5. DIA stands for Dedicated Internet Access
  6. DIA stands for Detroit Institute of Arts
  7. DIA stands for Development in Action (UK)
  8. DIA stands for Died in Action
  9. DIA stands for Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Impact Statement)
  10. DIA stands for Dubai International Airport
  11. DIA stands for Department of International Affairs
  12. DIA stands for Drug Information Association
  13. DIA stands for Democracy in America (Alexis de Tocqueville book)
  14. DIA stands for Direct Internet Access
  15. DIA stands for Diploma in Accountancy (various schools)
  16. DIA stands for Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación (Spanish: International Food Distributor)
  17. DIA stands for Driving Instructors Association (Croydon, UK)
  18. DIA stands for Declaração de Impacte Ambiental (Portuguese: Environmental Impact Statement)
  19. DIA stands for Design Institute of America
  20. DIA stands for Diaphorase
  21. DIA stands for Déclaration d’Intention d’Aliéner (French: Declaration of Intention to Dispose)
  22. DIA stands for Denuncia Inizio Attività (Italy)
  23. DIA stands for Deposit Insurance Agency (Russia)
  24. DIA stands for Department of Industrial Accidents
  25. DIA stands for Dubai International Academy (Dubai , UAE)
  26. DIA stands for Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (various schools)
  27. DIA stands for Digital Image Archive
  28. DIA stands for Democracy in Action
  29. DIA stands for Document Interchange Architecture
  30. DIA stands for Diploma in Administration
  31. DIA stands for Director of Intercollegiate Athletics (US Military Academy)
  32. DIA stands for Dual Immersion Academy (Salt Lake City, UT)
  33. DIA stands for Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (Italyian: Antimafia Investigation Department)
  34. DIA stands for Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge
  35. DIA stands for Department of Indigenous Affairs (Perth, Western Australia)
  36. DIA stands for Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
  37. DIA stands for Dynamic Input Area
  38. DIA stands for Dimeric Inhibin A (protein)
  39. DIA stands for Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie
  40. DIA stands for Development Interface Agreement (supplier document)
  41. DIA stands for Digital Image Analyzer
  42. DIA stands for Documentation et Information pour l’Afrique (French: Documentation and Information for Africa)
  43. DIA stands for Disability Income Associate
  44. DIA stands for Diversified Investment Advisors (various locations)
  45. DIA stands for Daily Interest Account
  46. DIA stands for Digitális Irodalmi Akadémia
  47. DIA stands for Data Invulnerability Architecture
  48. DIA stands for Discharge Impact Area (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality)
  49. DIA stands for Dar-es-Salaam International Airport (Tanzania)
  50. DIA stands for Diffusion Immunoassay
  51. DIA stands for Days Inns of America, Inc.
  52. DIA stands for Deutsche Informatik-Akademie GmbH (Bonn, Germany)
  53. DIA stands for Dipartimento di Informatica e Applicazioni
  54. DIA stands for Difference Image Analysis
  55. DIA stands for Data Integrity Assurance
  56. DIA stands for Department of Inspections & Appeals
  57. DIA stands for Democracy in Albany (website)
  58. DIA stands for Defense Investigators Association
  59. DIA stands for Dipartimento Investigativo Antimafia
  60. DIA stands for Department of Industry Act (Canada)
  61. DIA stands for Diamond Institute of America
  62. DIA stands for Dry-cleaning Institute of Australia (Cessnock, NSW, Australia)
  63. DIA stands for Desarollo Integral Auténtico (Spanish: Authentic Integral Development, Guatemala)
  64. DIA stands for Deficiency In Allowance
  65. DIA stands for Date of Initial Appointment
  66. DIA stands for Dairy Industry Authority (Australia)
  67. DIA stands for Director of Inmate Affairs (Correctional Services Canada)
  68. DIA stands for Disk Interface Adapter
  69. DIA stands for Distribuidora Interamericana de Alimentos, SA (Guatemala)
  70. DIA stands for Distributed Ingest Architecture
  71. DIA stands for Deadline Imposition for Arrival
  72. DIA stands for Demokratikus Ifjúságért Alapítványt

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