1. DIB stands for Dubai Islamic Bank
  2. DIB stands for Device Independent Bitmap
  3. DIB stands for Directory Information Base
  4. DIB stands for Disability Insurance Benefits
  5. DIB stands for Dual Independent Bus (Architecture)
  6. DIB stands for Diffuse Interstellar Bands
  7. DIB stands for Deutsche Internetbibliothek (German Internet Library)
  8. DIB stands for Department of Integrative Biology (various universities)
  9. DIB stands for Defense Industrial Base
  10. DIB stands for Defense Institution Building (program; various organizations)
  11. DIB stands for DCGS Integration Backbone
  12. DIB stands for Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (Psychology)
  13. DIB stands for Diameter Inside Bark (logging)
  14. DIB stands for Device Interface Board
  15. DIB stands for Difficulty in Breathing
  16. DIB stands for Dead in Bed
  17. DIB stands for Dibrugarh, India – Chabua (Airport Code)
  18. DIB stands for Diisobutylene
  19. DIB stands for Defense Information Base
  20. DIB stands for Distributed Integrated Backbone (US DoD)
  21. DIB stands for Drenched in Blood (Turbonegro song)
  22. DIB stands for Data Input Bus
  23. DIB stands for Data Information Base
  24. DIB stands for Direct I/O Bridge
  25. DIB stands for Detector Interface Board
  26. DIB stands for Danish International Brigade
  27. DIB stands for Drop in Box
  28. DIB stands for Doin’ it Big
  29. DIB stands for Day in Bed
  30. DIB stands for Daily Information Bulletin
  31. DIB stands for Data Interface Buffer
  32. DIB stands for Device Interface Bus
  33. DIB stands for Dipartimento di Informatica dell’università di Bari (Bari, Italy)
  34. DIB stands for Defense Intelligence Board
  35. DIB stands for Davidson International Baccalaureate (Davidson, NC)
  36. DIB stands for Disabilities Issues Board
  37. DIB stands for Digital Information Bank Company
  38. DIB stands for Door Impact Beam
  39. DIB stands for Defense Intelligence Bureau (China and Taiwan)
  40. DIB stands for Desk Instruction Booklet
  41. DIB stands for Daily Intelligence Bulletin
Abbreviations And Their Meaning