- DIB stands for Dubai Islamic Bank
- DIB stands for Device Independent Bitmap
- DIB stands for Directory Information Base
- DIB stands for Disability Insurance Benefits
- DIB stands for Dual Independent Bus (Architecture)
- DIB stands for Diffuse Interstellar Bands
- DIB stands for Deutsche Internetbibliothek (German Internet Library)
- DIB stands for Department of Integrative Biology (various universities)
- DIB stands for Defense Industrial Base
- DIB stands for Defense Institution Building (program; various organizations)
- DIB stands for DCGS Integration Backbone
- DIB stands for Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (Psychology)
- DIB stands for Diameter Inside Bark (logging)
- DIB stands for Device Interface Board
- DIB stands for Difficulty in Breathing
- DIB stands for Dead in Bed
- DIB stands for Dibrugarh, India – Chabua (Airport Code)
- DIB stands for Diisobutylene
- DIB stands for Defense Information Base
- DIB stands for Distributed Integrated Backbone (US DoD)
- DIB stands for Drenched in Blood (Turbonegro song)
- DIB stands for Data Input Bus
- DIB stands for Data Information Base
- DIB stands for Direct I/O Bridge
- DIB stands for Detector Interface Board
- DIB stands for Danish International Brigade
- DIB stands for Drop in Box
- DIB stands for Doin’ it Big
- DIB stands for Day in Bed
- DIB stands for Daily Information Bulletin
- DIB stands for Data Interface Buffer
- DIB stands for Device Interface Bus
- DIB stands for Dipartimento di Informatica dell’università di Bari (Bari, Italy)
- DIB stands for Defense Intelligence Board
- DIB stands for Davidson International Baccalaureate (Davidson, NC)
- DIB stands for Disabilities Issues Board
- DIB stands for Digital Information Bank Company
- DIB stands for Door Impact Beam
- DIB stands for Defense Intelligence Bureau (China and Taiwan)
- DIB stands for Desk Instruction Booklet
- DIB stands for Daily Intelligence Bulletin
Abbreviations And Their Meaning