AAAME stands for APS Academy for the Advancement of Small, Minority and Women-owned Enterprises
AAAPA stands for American Automobile Association - Pennsylvania Federation
AAAP stands for; AAAP stands for American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry AAAP stands for American Association of Avian Pathologists AAAP stands…
AAANY stands for Arab American Association of New York (Brooklyn, NY) AAANY stands for Amateur Astronomers Association of New York…
AAANT stands for Area Agency on Aging of North Texas
AAANZ stands for Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand
AAAOX3 stands for Alert, Awake, & Oriented to Time, Place, and Person (patients)
AAAORID stands for American Automobile Association of Oregon and Idaho
AAANA stands for American Academy of Ambulatory Nursing Administration
AAAPP stands for American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology