A4G stands for Algorithms For Genomes (university course name)
A4E stands for Action 4 Employment (UK) A4E stands for Arts for Everyone A4E stands for Architecture for Education Inc.…
A3N stands for Alien 3aba6 Network
A4CF stands for Americans for Cures Foundation
A3E stands for Associació Estudiantil per la Exploració Espacial
A4AF stands for Asking for Another File
A3RI stands for Antarctic Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Institute (University of Wisconsin)
A3P stands for American Third Position (political party) A3P stands for Adaptive Antenna Array Processor A3P stands for Advanced Avionic…
A3D stands for Aureal 3-Dimensional (computer sound chip; Aureal Semiconductor, Inc.) A3D stands for Advanced 3-Dimensional Audio
A4CM stands for Association for Civic Media