VALDN stands for Validation
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VALDN stands for Validation
VAL stands for Value VAL stands for Vallejo (Amtrak station code; Vallejo, CA) VAL stands for Valley VAL stands for Valve Val stands for Valerie VAL stands for Valid VAL stands for Validation VAL stands for Validate VAL stands for Valine (Amino Acid) VAL stands for Valedictorian VAL stands for Viking Air Limited (Canada) VAL stands for Vatican City Lira (defunct currency; ISO designation) VAL stands for Validity […]
VALCT stands for Véhicules Anciens du Léon, de Cornouaille et du Trégor (French vintage vehicle association)
VVSOP stands for Very Very Superior Old Pale (cognac)
VVOE stands for Verbal Verification of Employment
VV&A stands for Verification, Validation, and Accreditation VV&A stands for Verification, Validation, and Authentication VV&A stands for Verification, Validation and Approval
VVAJK stands for Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry
WAHPP stands for Work at Home Pagan Parents (online community)
WAFTAM stands for Waste of Flaming Time and Money (polite form)
WAEPSSD stands for Workshop on the Application of Engineering Principles to System Security Design