DWELL stands for Dot-In-A-Well
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DWELL stands for Dot-In-A-Well
DWAG stands for Denture Wearers Action Group DWAG stands for Data Warehouse Advisory Group (various organizations)
DWBF stands for Diakonisches Werk Bamberg-Forchheim (German: Bamberg-Forchheim Agency)
DWAPS stands for Defense Warehousing Automated Processing System
DW6 stands for Dynasty Warriors 6 (video game)
DW2 stands for Dynasty Warriors 2 (video game)
DVZO stands for Dampfbahn-Verein Zürcher Oberland (German: Zürich Oberland Steam Train Association; Switzerland)
DVZ stands for Deutsche Verkehrszeitung DVZ stands for Dermatome Visceral Zone (skin)
DVYFC stands for Diablo Valley Youth Football Conference (California)
DVSB stands for Domestic Violence Speakers Bureau