DRDN stands for Durham Region Diabetes Network (Canada)
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DRDN stands for Durham Region Diabetes Network (Canada)
DRCRF stands for Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
DQMC stands for Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo
DRCLAS stands for David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (Harvard University)
DRASER stands for Doppler Radar and Storm Electricity Research
ADNF stands for Association pour les Droits des Non-Fumeurs (French: Non-Smokers Rights Association; Toronto, Ontario, Canada) ADNF stands for Association pour la Diffusion du Neurofeedback en France (French neurofeedback association) ADNF stands for Activity Dependent Neurotrophic Factors (biochemistry) ADNF stands for Allied Dunbar National Fitness (survey; UK) ADNF stands for Abu Dhabi National Foodstuff Co. […]
DQALY stands for Discounted Quality-Adjusted Life Year
DPWV stands for Der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband (German)
DPWV stands for Der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband (German)
ADKA stands for Automatic Dynamic Key Allocation