B3D stands for Bodypaint 3D Format (filename extension) B3D stands for Building Better Business Decisions (Wafi C&TS)
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B3D stands for Bodypaint 3D Format (filename extension) B3D stands for Building Better Business Decisions (Wafi C&TS)
B3LYP stands for Becke 3-Parameter (Exchange), Lee, Yang and Parr (correlation; density functional theory)
B3MD stands for band 3 and its membrane domain
B3 stands for Beauty, Brains and Beyond (website) B3 stands for Blah Blah Blah B3 stands for Bon-Bon Blanco (band; Japan) B3 stands for Builders Beyond Borders (Norwalk, CT) B3 stands for Burnout 3: Takedown (video game)
B3R stands for Bradley 3 Ranch, Ltd. (Memphis, TX)
B3F stands for Band 3 Cytoplasmic Fragments
B3G stands for Beyond Third Generation
B3E stands for Biomathématiques Biostatistiques Bioinformatique Épidémiologie B3E stands for Business with triple E Engineering – Energies – EDV
B3RP stands for Band 3-Related Protein
B3S stands for Beta 3 Solutions Ltd (UK detective agency)