B-17 stands for Boeing Flying Fortress (US; WWII bomber)
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B-17 stands for Boeing Flying Fortress (US; WWII bomber)
BA stands for Baccalaureus Artium (Bachelor of Arts degree) BA stands for Bachelieres Arts (degree) BA stands for Bachelor of Arts (degree) BA stands for Back Again BA stands for Back Angle BA stands for Bacteriologic Algorithm (computing) BA stands for Bad Apples (Guns N’ Roses song) BA stands for Bad Ass BA stands for […]
B-AAC stands for Bacnet Advanced Application Controller
B-26 stands for Douglas Invader Light Bomber (formerly A-26; Korea, Vietnam)
B-ADL stands for Bayer Activities of Daily Living Scale
B-BEE stands for Broad-Black Economic Empowerment (South Africa)
B-BC stands for Bacnet Building Controller
B-CHANNEL stands for Bearer Channel
B-CLL stands for B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
B-CPE stands for Broadband Customer Premises Equipment