1. DIE stands for Dépense Intérieure d’Education (French: Domestic Expenditure of Education)
  2. DIE stands for Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (German Institued for Adult Education)
  3. DIE stands for Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü (State Statistics Institute)
  4. DIE stands for Differential and Integral Equations
  5. DIE stands for Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica (Spanish)
  6. DIE stands for Dictionary of Indian English
  7. DIE stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica (Italian:Department of Electrical Engineering)
  8. DIE stands for Debugging Information Entry (data structure)
  9. DIE stands for Defence Information Environment (Australian military)
  10. DIE stands for Designated Investment Exchange
  11. DIE stands for Detroit in Effect (electro artist)
  12. DIE stands for Deadly Incredibly Elites (gaming)
  13. DIE stands for Da Imperial Executors (gaming)
  14. DIE stands for Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik GmbH
  15. DIE stands for Death’s Imperial Entourage (gaming guild)
  16. DIE stands for Disconnect In Error (Cable TV industry)
  17. DIE stands for Design-Induced Error
  18. DIE stands for Direct Inspection Effort
  19. DIE stands for Design Interface Engineer
  20. DIE stands for Driving Information Extractor
Abbreviations And Their Meaning