- DIE stands for Dépense Intérieure d’Education (French: Domestic Expenditure of Education)
- DIE stands for Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (German Institued for Adult Education)
- DIE stands for Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü (State Statistics Institute)
- DIE stands for Differential and Integral Equations
- DIE stands for Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica (Spanish)
- DIE stands for Dictionary of Indian English
- DIE stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica (Italian:Department of Electrical Engineering)
- DIE stands for Debugging Information Entry (data structure)
- DIE stands for Defence Information Environment (Australian military)
- DIE stands for Designated Investment Exchange
- DIE stands for Detroit in Effect (electro artist)
- DIE stands for Deadly Incredibly Elites (gaming)
- DIE stands for Da Imperial Executors (gaming)
- DIE stands for Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik GmbH
- DIE stands for Death’s Imperial Entourage (gaming guild)
- DIE stands for Disconnect In Error (Cable TV industry)
- DIE stands for Design-Induced Error
- DIE stands for Direct Inspection Effort
- DIE stands for Design Interface Engineer
- DIE stands for Driving Information Extractor
Abbreviations And Their Meaning