1. DIG stands for Digital
  2. DIG stands for Digest
  3. DIG stands for Discussion Group(s)
  4. DIG stands for Digoxigenin (DNA marker)
  5. DIG stands for Deputy Inspector General
  6. DIG stands for Decentralized Information Group (various organizations)
  7. DIG stands for Direct Injection Gasoline (vehicles)
  8. DIG stands for Dunedin Income Growth (UK)
  9. DIG stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale (Italian: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management)
  10. DIG stands for Domain Information Groper
  11. DIG stands for Digital Imaging Group
  12. DIG stands for Derivatives Implementation Group (FASB)
  13. DIG stands for Déclaré d’intérêt Général (French: Declaration of General Interest)
  14. DIG stands for Domain Internet Groper
  15. DIG stands for Development Incentive Grant (various locations)
  16. DIG stands for Diffuse Ionised Gas
  17. DIG stands for Disney’s Internet Guide
  18. DIG stands for Drop in Game (informal ice hockey)
  19. DIG stands for Digital Information Group
  20. DIG stands for Discussion in Groups
  21. DIG stands for Doorman is God (gaming clan)
  22. DIG stands for Development Insight Group
  23. DIG stands for Delta Informal Gardeners (California)
  24. DIG stands for Digiorgio Corporation (NYSE Symbol)
  25. DIG stands for Distributed Information Gathering
  26. DIG stands for Digital Image Generator
  27. DIG stands for Developers Interface Guide
  28. DIG stands for Dead in Ground
  29. DIG stands for DOE Interaction Group
  30. DIG stands for Data Item Group (US DoD)
  31. DIG stands for Departement Informatique de Gestion
  32. DIG stands for Department Inspection Group
  33. DIG stands for Detergent-Insoluble Glycolipid-Enriched Domain (cell & molecular biology)
  34. DIG stands for Detonator Inspection Gauge
  35. DIG stands for Dismissed as Improperly Granted (legal)
  36. DIG stands for Direct Inertial Guidance
  37. DIG stands for Disaster Information Gateway

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