1. DIH stands for Droit International Humanitaire (International Humanitarian Law)
  2. DIH stands for Derecho Internacional Humanitario (International Humanitarian Law)
  3. DIH stands for Digital Innovation Hubs (European)
  4. DIH stands for Deutsche Industrie Holding (German: German Industrial Holding)
  5. DIH stands for Détachement d’Intervention Héliporté (French: Posting Heliport Intervention)
  6. DIH stands for Days in Hell
  7. DIH stands for Digital Image Hub (SlidePath Ltd.)
  8. DIH stands for Département Interfacultaire d’Histoire (French: Interfaculty Department of History; Switzerland)
  9. DIH stands for Délégué Interrégional Handicap (French: Interregional Delegate Handicap)
  10. DIH stands for Diagnostic Immobilier Habitat (French: Diagnostic Real Habitat)
  11. DIH stands for Data Input Handler
  12. DIH stands for Diploma in Industrial Health (British)
  13. DIH stands for Daiwa International Holdings, Inc. (Hong Kong)
  14. DIH stands for Drum in Hat (parking brake system)
  15. DIH stands for Diaphragmatic Hernia
  16. DIH stands for Deer in Headlights
  17. DIH stands for Department of Indian Health (Colorado)
  18. DIH stands for Designated Industrial Hygienist

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