1. DIMC stands for Dubai International Marine Club (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  2. DIMC stands for Digital Identity Management Center
  3. DIMC stands for Dog Is My Copilot, Inc. (animal protection program)
  4. DIMC stands for Dhammakaya International Meditation Center (est. 1992; various locations)
  5. DIMC stands for Delhi International Mail Centre (India)
  6. DIMC stands for Diploma in Immediate Medical Care Examination (UK)
  7. DIMC stands for Denmark’s Intuitive Music Conference (annual meeting)
  8. DIMC stands for Drummond Island Medical Center (Michigan)
  9. DIMC stands for Dual-Isotope Motion Correction Technique (radiology)
  10. DIMC stands for Data Information and Management Committee (Gulf of Maine Association)
  11. DIMC stands for Dunia Indonesian Mixed Couples

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