1. DIME stands for Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (Microsoft)
  2. DIME stands for Dense Inert Metal Explosive (ammunition)
  3. DIME stands for Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (social scientist network)
  4. DIME stands for Direct Memory Execute (AGP video cards)
  5. DIME stands for Dual Independent Map Encoding
  6. DIME stands for Dropping in a Microgravity Environment (student competition; US NASA)
  7. DIME stands for Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (various locations)
  8. DIME stands for Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic
  9. DIME stands for Distributed Irregular Mesh Environment
  10. DIME stands for Desktop Integrated Media Environment
  11. DIME stands for Département Ingénierie des Médias pour l’Education (French: Engineering Department for Education Media)
  12. DIME stands for Dynamic Infrared Missile Evaluator
  13. DIME stands for Digital Integrated Modeling Environment
  14. DIME stands for Distributed Memory Environment
  15. DIME stands for Division Independent Medical Examinations (Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation)
  16. DIME stands for Database Integrity Monitoring Equipment
  17. DIME stands for DEM Integrity Monitor Experiment (DEM = Digital Elevation Model)
  18. DIME stands for Development of Integrated Monetary Electronics
  19. DIME stands for Diplomacy, Intelligence, Military, Economics
Abbreviations And Their Meaning