1. DIN stands for Drug Identification Number
  2. DIN stands for Digital Input
  3. DIN stands for Dinar (Yugoslavian national currency)
  4. DIN stands for Data Input
  5. DIN stands for Do It Now (gaming/chat)
  6. DIN stands for Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
  7. DIN stands for Document Identification Number
  8. DIN stands for Development in Nigeria
  9. DIN stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung eV (German Institute for Standardization; similar to US ANSI)
  10. DIN stands for Donor Identification Number
  11. DIN stands for Director Identification Number (India)
  12. DIN stands for Division Ingénierie Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Engineering Division; Electricité de France)
  13. DIN stands for Doctors Independent Network
  14. DIN stands for Darned If I Know
  15. DIN stands for Defense Intelligence Network
  16. DIN stands for Data Identification Number
  17. DIN stands for Defense Intelligence Notice
  18. DIN stands for Designee Information Network
  19. DIN stands for Deutsche Industrial Norms (German standards agency)
  20. DIN stands for Device Identification Number
  21. DIN stands for Department of Immigration and Naturalization
  22. DIN stands for Dedicated Internet Network (private networks connected to the internet)
  23. DIN stands for Dangerous Incident Notification
  24. DIN stands for Division des Installations Nucléaires (French: Division of Nuclear Installations; Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire)
  25. DIN stands for Dynamic Instruction Number
Abbreviations And Their Meaning