1. DIRC stands for Dubai International Racing Carnival (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  2. DIRC stands for Defense Investigative Review Council (US DoD)
  3. DIRC stands for Délégation Interrégionale a la Recherche Clinique (French: Delegation to the Inter-Regional Clinical Research)
  4. DIRC stands for Disability Information & Resource Centre South Australia
  5. DIRC stands for Disability In formation & Referral Centre Eastern Sydney
  6. DIRC stands for Democrat in Republican Clothes (politics)
  7. DIRC stands for DOE Internal Review Committee
  8. dIRC stands for Dragonmount Internet Relay Chat client (Dragonmount Networks)
  9. DIRC stands for Disaster Information Resource Center (FEMA)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning