1. DISC stands for Discover (credit card)
  2. DISC stands for Discount
  3. DISC stands for Domestic International Sales Corporation
  4. DISC stands for Discovery Channel (TV)
  5. DISC stands for Distributed Computing (International Symposium)
  6. DISC stands for Disconnect
  7. DISC stands for Discontinue
  8. DISC stands for Death-Inducing Signaling Complex (cell apoptosis)
  9. DISC stands for Dickinson Independent School District (Dickinson, TX)
  10. DISC stands for Distinguished Instructor Short Course (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
  11. DISC stands for Disarmament and International Security Committee (various organizations)
  12. DISC stands for Dominance/Influence/Steadiness/Conscientiousness (personality profile)
  13. DISC stands for Defense Industrial Supply Center
  14. DISC stands for Disconnect Command
  15. DISC stands for Differential Scattering
  16. DISC stands for Dynamic Information Systems Corporation
  17. DISC stands for Daingerfield Island Sailing Club (Alexandria, VA)
  18. DISC stands for DNA Information and Stock Center
  19. DISC stands for Defense Information System Council
  20. DISC stands for Digital Information Services Center (Netherlands)
  21. DISC stands for Discover Information Security Compliance (Discover’s payment card industry data security standard compliance program)
  22. DISC stands for Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse
  23. DISC stands for Data and Information Service for CliC
  24. DISC stands for DISA Information Systems Center
  25. DISC stands for Digital Info Security Company (Colorado)
  26. DISC stands for Direct-Injection Stratified Charge engine
  27. DISC stands for Dental Interactive Simulations Corporation
  28. DISC stands for Deprivation, Immediacy, Size and Contingency (behavioral reinforcement)
  29. DISC stands for Development Information Services Clearinghouse (USAID)
  30. DISC stands for Distributor Information Systems Corporation
  31. DISC stands for Digital Information Systems Corporation
  32. DISC stands for Department of Information Systems Club (Arizona State University)
  33. DISC stands for Data Information Service Center
  34. DISC stands for Digital Interchange Standard for Cardiology
  35. DISC stands for Digital Integration Systems & Consultancy
  36. DISC stands for Document Imaging Services Company
  37. DISC stands for Data Index for Software Configuration
  38. DISC stands for Delay In Separation Code
  39. DISC stands for Digital International Switching Center
  40. DISC stands for Diplomatic Intelligence Support Center
  41. DISC stands for Data and Information Services for CliC (Climate and Cryosphere)
  42. DISC stands for Design Information System Center
Abbreviations And Their Meaning