- DLE stands for Datalife Engine (software)
- DLE stands for Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
- DLE stands for Data Link Escape
- DLE stands for Direct Labor Efficiency (work formula)
- DLE stands for Droits et Libertés dans les Églises (French: Rights and Liberties in the Churches)
- DLE stands for Digital Library Evaluation
- DLE stands for Dry Low Emission
- DLE stands for Disseminated Lupus Erythematosus (same as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
- DLE stands for Digital Local Exchange
- DLE stands for Didactique des Langues Étrangères (French: Teaching of Foreign Languages)
- DLE stands for Distance Learning Exchange (Pennsylvania Department of Education)
- DLE stands for Dual Language Education
- DLE stands for Dynamic Lightpath Establishment (IEEE)
- DLE stands for Department of Labor & Employment (Colorado)
- DLE stands for Digital Loop Electronics (Telcordia)
- DLE stands for Distributed LAN Emulation
- DLE stands for Deserts Like Eden
- DLE stands for Ductility Level Earthquake
- DLE stands for Double-Line Electro (stamp collecting; a form of precancellation)
- DLE stands for Disk List Entry (Amanda/Zmanda Backup Software)
- DLE stands for Drug Laboratory Effect
- DLE stands for Detailed Ledger Entry
- DLE stands for Development Laboratory Environment
- DLE stands for Diverse Learning Environments (survey)
- DLE stands for Department of Logistics and Engineering
- DLE stands for Direct Lightning Effects
- DLE stands for Distance Learning and Education
- DLE stands for Defense Liaison Element (US Army)
- DLE stands for Dynamic Labile Equilibrium
- DLE stands for Distinctive Ladies of Elegance
- DLE stands for Degree Level Expectations (Canada)
- DLE stands for Divorce Level Event