1. DLMA  stands for DBF (difference in backfat thickness) and Loin Muscle Area
  2. DLMA  stands for Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association (New York)
  3. DLMA  stands for Dynamic Learning Matrix Algorithm (Shamp Bionics)
  4. DLMA  stands for Debt and Liquidity Management Agency (Slovak Republic)
  5. DLMA  stands for Diversified League of Martial Artists
  6. DLMA  stands for Duneland Masters
  7. DLMA  stands for Disposable Laryngeal Mask Airway
  8. DLMA  stands for Distributed Logic Memory Architecture
  9. DLMA  stands for Deer Lake Medical Association
  10. DLMA  stands for Dominica Liberation Movement Alliance
  11. DLMA  stands for Damian Lewis Media Archive
  12. DLMA  stands for Disk Loaded Monopole Antenna
  13. DLMA  stands for District Level Marketing Agencies
  14. DLMA  stands for District Level Marketing Associates
  15. DLMA  stands for Deer Lakes Medical Associates

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