1. DMEA stands for Delta-Montrose Electric Association (Colorado)
  2. DMEA
    stands for dimethylethylamine
  3. DMEA stands for Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs (South Africa)
  4. DMEA stands for Defense Minerals Exploration Administration
  5. DMEA stands for David Moor Estate Agents (UK)
  6. DMEA stands for dimethyl ethanol amine
  7. DMEA stands for Durable Medical Equipment Attachment
  8. DMEA stands for Defect Mode and Effect Analysis
  9. DMEA
    stands for Des Moines Education Association
  10. DMEA stands for Damage Mode and Effects Analysis
  11. DMEA stands for Delaware Music Educators Association
  12. DMEA stands for Defense Micro-Electronics Activity
  13. DMEA stands for Defense Microelectronics Agency
Abbreviations And Their Meaning