- DMF stands for Dual Mass Flywheel (automobile transmissions)
- DMF stands for Division of Marine Fisheries
- DMF stands for Dimethylformamide
- DMF stands for Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (French: Dictionary of the Middle French)
- DMF stands for Dimethyl Fumarate (drug)
- DMF stands for Drug Master File
- DMF stands for Dansk Musiker Forbund (Danish: Danish Musicians’ Union)
- DMF stands for Deutsches Medizin Forum (German: German Medicine Forum)
- DMF stands for Digest Message Format
- DMF stands for Death Master File (US SSA)
- DMF stands for Direction des Musées de France
- DMF stands for Data Migration Facility
- DMF stands for DivX Media Format
- DMF stands for Deutsches Mobilfunk Forschungsprogramm (Germany)
- DMF stands for District Mosellan de Football (French football district)
- DMF stands for Decision Making Framework
- DMF stands for Declarative Management Framework (Microsoft SQL Server)
- DMF stands for Département des Marchés Financiers (French: Department of Financial Markets)
- DMF stands for Decayed, Missing, Filled (dentistry)
- DMF stands for Data Management Facility
- DMF stands for Destination Marketing Fee
- DMF stands for Diplôme des Moulins de France (French: Diploma Mills of France)
- DMF stands for Den Moroniska Föreningen (Swedish gaming association)
- DMF stands for Désinfection Médicale France (French medical disinfection company)
- DMF stands for Disciples Mission Fund
- DMF stands for Diffusion Matériels Frigorifiques (French cooling equipment company)
- DMF stands for Data Modulation Format
- DMF stands for Darwin Mobile Force (Australia)
- DMF stands for Debtor Master File
- DMF stands for Depot Maintenance Float
- DMF stands for Digital Matched Filters
- DMF stands for Digital Money Forum (electronic transactions)
- DMF stands for Distributed Media Format
- DMF stands for Dead Man Floating (Everquest)
- DMF stands for Data Management File
- DMF stands for Dipole Moment Function
- DMF stands for Distributed Management Facility
- DMF stands for Design Master File
- DMF stands for Dumb Mother Figure (polite form)
- DMF stands for Digital Multiplexing and Formatting
- DMF stands for Digital Modulation Format
Abbreviations And Their Meaning