1. DMLA stands for Dégénérescence Maculaire Liée à l’Age (French: Age-Related Macular Degeneration; ophthalmology)
  2. DMLA stands for Degenerescence Maculaire Liee a l’Age (French: Related Macular Degeneration Age)
  3. DMLA stands for Dairy Market Loss Assistance (USDA)
  4. DMLA stands for Department of Museums, Library and Arts
  5. DMLA stands for Donald Maass Literary Agency
  6. DMLA stands for Design Meets Los Angeles
  7. DMLA
    stands for Denise Marcil Literary Agency
  8. DMLA stands for Deputy Martial Law Administrator
  9. DMLA stands for Department of Medieval and Latin Antiquities
  10. DMLA stands for District Martial Law Administrator

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