- DMOS stands for Descriptif de Mode Opératoire de Soudage (French: Description of Welding Procedure)
- DMOS stands for Double-Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
- DMOS stands for Diffusion Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- DMOS stands for Direct Marketing Operating System
- DMOS stands for Dynamique des Milieux et Organisations Spatiales (French: Media Dynamics and Spatial Organization)
- DMOS stands for Delayed Muscle Onset Soreness
- DMOS stands for Diffusive Mixing of Organic Solutions
- DMOS stands for Duty Military Occupational Specialty
- DMOS stands for Distributed Mature Object Space
- DMOS stands for Discrete Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- DMOS stands for Degredation Mean Opinion Score
- DMOS stands for Differential Mean Opinion Score
- DMOS stands for Direct Manipulation Office Systems
- DMOS stands for Deployment Mobility System
- DMOS stands for Document Management and Output Solutions
- DMOS stands for Dethroning Moment of Suck