1. DMSR stands for Department of Military and Scientific Research
  2. DMSR stands for Dance, Music, Sex, Romance (Prince song)
  3. DMSR  stands for Depot Maintenance Schedule Review
  4. DMSR stands for Del Mar Skate Ranch
  5. DMSR stands for De Matos Storey Ryan (UK architectural firm)
  6. DMSR stands for dimethyl sulfoxide-responsive regulator
  7. DMSR stands for Dromyosuppressin receptor
  8. DMSR stands for Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry
  9. DMSR stands for Draft Municipal Service Review
  10. DMSR stands for Dynamic Metric Selection Routing
  11. DMSR stands for Denatured Molten Salt Reactor
  12. DMSR stands for Distributed Modified Sparse Row (format)
  13. DMSR stands for Division of Management Survey and Review (US NIH)
  14. DMSR  stands for diffusive micro slant reflector
  15. DMSR stands for Dhond-Manmad State Railway (India)
  16. DMSR stands for Data Management and Staff Recruiters
  17. DMSR stands for Distributed Microsystems Research
  18. DMSR stands for Double Mechanism Sorptive Refrigeration
  19. DMSR stands for Data Management System for the Russian segment (International Space Station)
  20. DMSR stands for DART Metadata Schema Registry
  21. DMSR stands for Dave Marshall Salmon Reserve (Canada)
  22. DMSR stands for Department of Management Sciences & Research (India)
  23. DMSR stands for Decision Making System of Regulation
  24. DMSR stands for defense materiel systems rating
  25. DMSR stands for Diablo Mountain Sports and Recreation
  26. DMSR stands for Daily Management and Summary Reporting
  27. DMSR stands for Diminishing Manufacturing Sources Record
  28. DMSR stands for Director of Missile Safety Research
  29. DMSR stands for Django, MySQL, SyncDB Runserver
  30. DMSR stands for Distrito Minero Segovia-Remedios
Abbreviations And Their Meaning