1. DNIC stands for Data Network Identification Code
  2. DNIC stands for Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control
  3. DNIC stands for Department of Defense Network Information Center (US DoD)
  4. DNIC stands for Direcção Nacional de Investigação Criminal
  5. DNIC stands for Dallas National Insurance Company (Texas)
  6. DNIC stands for Digital Network Interface Circuit
  7. DNIC stands for Dirección Nacional de Informática y Comunicaciones (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  8. DNIC stands for Domini Nostri Iesu Christi (Latin: Our Lord Jesus Christ)
  9. DNIC stands for Duty Not Including Controlling
  10. DNIC stands for Dependable Network Innovation Center (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning