1. DNN  stands for DotNetNuke
  2. DNN  stands for Deep Neural Network (machine learning)
  3. DNN  stands for Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten (German newspaper; Dresden, Germany)
  4. DNN  stands for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (US Department of Energy)
  5. DNN  stands for Disaster News Network (Village Life Company)
  6. DNN  stands for Denison Mines Corp. (stock symbol; Canada)
  7. DNN  stands for Domain Name News
  8. DNN  stands for Dinitronaphthalene
  9. DNN  stands for Derby News Network (roller derby website)
  10. DNN  stands for Deaf News Network
  11. DNN  stands for Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Estonia)
  12. DNN  stands for Dynamic Neural Network
  13. DNN  stands for Darling New Neighbors (band)
  14. DNN  stands for Diploma in Nursery Nursing
  15. DNN  stands for Down Nicotine Now (herbal treatment)
  16. DNN  stands for Dark Narrow Normal
  17. DNN  stands for Distributeur Non Nationalisé (French: Non-Nationalized Distributors; energy industry)
  18. DNN  stands for Deltavliegschool Noord Nederland

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