- DNN stands for DotNetNuke
- DNN stands for Deep Neural Network (machine learning)
- DNN stands for Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten (German newspaper; Dresden, Germany)
- DNN stands for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (US Department of Energy)
- DNN stands for Disaster News Network (Village Life Company)
- DNN stands for Denison Mines Corp. (stock symbol; Canada)
- DNN stands for Domain Name News
- DNN stands for Dinitronaphthalene
- DNN stands for Derby News Network (roller derby website)
- DNN stands for Deaf News Network
- DNN stands for Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Estonia)
- DNN stands for Dynamic Neural Network
- DNN stands for Darling New Neighbors (band)
- DNN stands for Diploma in Nursery Nursing
- DNN stands for Down Nicotine Now (herbal treatment)
- DNN stands for Dark Narrow Normal
- DNN stands for Distributeur Non Nationalisé (French: Non-Nationalized Distributors; energy industry)
- DNN stands for Deltavliegschool Noord Nederland
Abbreviations And Their Meaning