1. DNS  stands for Domain Name System
  2. DNS  stands for Domain Name Service
  3. DNS  stands for Did Not Start (auto racing)
  4. DNS  stands for Direct Numerical Simulation
  5. DNS  stands for Dainippon Screen (Japan)
  6. DNS  stands for Den Nationale Scene (Norwegian: The National Scence)
  7. DNS  stands for Did Not Show
  8. DNS  stands for Desoxyribonukleinsäure (German: DNA)
  9. DNS  stands for Do Not Sell
  10. DNS  stands for Direction Nationale de la Statistique (French: National Directorate of Statistics; Guinea)
  11. DNS  stands for Distributed Name Service
  12. DNS  stands for Det Norske Studentersamfund (Norwegian: Norwegian Students’ Society)
  13. DNS  stands for Degree Network System (Servicemembers Opportunities College)
  14. DNS  stands for Determination of Non Significance
  15. DNS  stands for Double Neutron Stars (astronomy)
  16. DNS  stands for Digital Network Solutions (various locations)
  17. DNS  stands for Delaware Nature Society
  18. DNS  stands for Director of Nursing Services
  19. DNS  stands for Division of Nuclear Safety
  20. DNS  stands for Debt-for-Nature Swap
  21. DNS  stands for Data Network Services (Richmond, Virginia)
  22. DNS  stands for Dubai National School (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  23. DNS  stands for Digital Nervous System
  24. DNS  stands for Dansyl
  25. DNS  stands for Data Not Shown
  26. DNS  stands for Domain Name Server/Service
  27. DNS  stands for Digital Natural Sound (recording studio; Germany)
  28. DNS  stands for Do Not Stuff (electronics manufacturing)
  29. DNS  stands for Deviated Nasal Septum
  30. DNS  stands for Distant Network Service
  31. DNS  stands for Defense Nuclear Security (National Nuclear Security Administration)
  32. DNS  stands for Dynamic Name Server
  33. DNS  stands for Do Not Survey
  34. DNS  stands for Do Not Schedule
  35. DNS  stands for Dark Northern Spring (wheat)
  36. DNS  stands for Debt Negotiation Services (Boynton Beach, FL)
  37. DNS  stands for Do Not Substitute (pharmacy directive)
  38. DNS  stands for Daily Nutritional Support (health supplement)
  39. DNS  stands for Director, Navy Staff
  40. DNS  stands for Defense National Stockpile
  41. DNS  stands for Devoir Non Surveillé (French: Need Not Supervise)
  42. DNS  stands for Department of Nuclear Safety (FEMA)
  43. DNS  stands for Decca Navigator System (RadioNavigation-Commission of Irish Lights)
  44. DNS  stands for Doppler Navigation System
  45. DNS  stands for Den Norske Studentersangforening
  46. DNS  stands for Dog N Suds (drive-in restaurant)
  47. DNS  stands for Day & Night Sight
  48. DNS  stands for Date Not Specified
  49. DNS  stands for Diffuse Neutron Scattering
  50. DNS  stands for Day/Night Scope
  51. DNS  stands for Delta Network Systems
  52. DNS  stands for Drowning Non-Swimmer (lifeguarding)
  53. DNS  stands for Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice recognition)
  54. DNS  stands for Diablo Numismatic Society
  55. DNS  stands for Dremel Net Solutions LLC
  56. DNS  stands for Doppler Navigation Sensor
  57. DNS  stands for Drunk ‘n Stupid (band)
  58. DNS  stands for Dextrose Normal Saline
  59. DNS  stands for Division of Nutritional Services
  60. DNS  stands for Digital Network Switch
  61. DNS  stands for Dinitrosalycilate (biochemistry)
  62. DNS  stands for Dundee Naturalists’ Society (Scotland, UK)
  63. DNS  stands for Domain Naming System
  64. DNS  stands for Doctor of Nursing Science
  65. DNS  stands for Dinitrosalicylic Acid

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