1. DOG  stands for Delusions of Grandeur
  2. DOG  stands for Diario Oficial de Galicia (Official Bulletin for Galicia Spain)
  3. DOG  stands for 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose
  4. DOG  stands for Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (Heidelberg, Germany)
  5. DOG  stands for Department Of Geography
  6. DOG  stands for Deutsche Olympische Gesellschaft (German Olympic Society)
  7. DOG  stands for Difference of Gaussians (filter)
  8. DOG  stands for Dutch Oven Gathering
  9. DOG  stands for Daughters Of Godiva (interactive novel)
  10. DOG  stands for Digital Onscreen Graphic
  11. DOG  stands for Daily Oral Geography (education)
  12. DOG  stands for Digitally Originated Graphic
  13. DOG  stands for Opportunity Group (park proponents)
  14. DOG  stands for Disciples of Gaming (gaming clan)
  15. DOG  stands for Division Officer’s Guide
  16. DOG  stands for Death or Glory
  17. DOG  stands for Depend on God
  18. DOG  stands for Department of Oil and Gas
  19. DOG  stands for Deployable Operations Group (USCG)
  20. DOG  stands for Dance Off Gracefully
  21. DOG  stands for Detroiters Out to Get John Engler
  22. DOG  stands for Digital Operations Guide
  23. DOG  stands for Drop Out Generator
  24. DOG  stands for Drop On Ground – Telephone
  25. DOG  stands for Dads of Gaming (forum)
  26. DOG  stands for Delay of Gratification

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